Phenomene mag 02. By Vincenzo Laera

Styling: Bastian Stein
Photo: Vincenzo Laera

DJ Hell "Cold song" by Voin de Voin

Brian Tennessee-Claflin performance @ HAU

Brian Tennessee-Claflin performing at HAU. September 2011. (+ backstage)

Pharaoh Chromium

Fabrication. performed by Michael Steger and me

Process of fabrication; performed by
Michael Steger and me, during «Hunger-Performance-Festival»,
Berlin. Spring 2011

btw. All pieces have been produced with the precious help and teaching of Michael Steger at VOLKSLUXUS Berlin.

Lala By @ Motel Campo

Lala By @ Schwuz by David Colin Onze

Featuring Lala By's leader Steev Lemercier

Lala By @ Fusion Festival. June 2011

Lala By. "Charivari" release. video

3 years retrospective of the Lala by project from "Real fiction" to "Charivari"
live at the Berghain-Kantine in Berlin 03.6.2011


The second series of 11 masks has been produced in 2011, for „the Lala By“, a Berlin based band specialized
in experimental music, founded by Steev Lemercier. On stage the eleven musicians are wearing
individual masks, hammered and formed out of golden metal, adorned with feathers, fur, and teeth. They
are forming a pack of eleven real and non existing animals, such as a vulture, a rabbit, a piranha, a snake, a
dinosaur, a dragon...etc

IT-Post nov 2011 by Jean-Luc Française

Fashion mag. Fall 2011 by Andrzey Sobolewski

Styling: Andrzey Sobolewski
Foto: Maria Ericsson
Model: Maria Lox

"Der Aufstand der Plebejer". Short movie. 2010

written and directed by Julian Radlmaier. Film 16mm, 13 min. 2010

Glamcult 01. Feb 2011 by Ferry van der Nat

Faar mag 08. Feb 2011 by Ferry van der Nat

by Eva Maria Salvador

Archive pics by Dan Thawley

By René Gloor & Dinah Hayt.

Styling: René Gloor
Photo: Dinah Hayt